having spent the last two decades working foremost on other people´s music, I think that finally the time has come to do my own stuff!
So this page is about what´s hopefully going to become my solo album, one day - pure jm stuff, collaborations with inspiring people, songs, instrumentals, sound collages - whatever seems appealing to me...
this space is going to fill up over the time to come
“wo der pfeffer waechst”
lyrics & vocals: Keno
music, production, guitars & programming: jm
this song was truly inspired by the beautyful lyrics that my friend keno wrote for his personal soulmate!
the music is my interpretation of the feelings his words triggered in my own memory of my closest soulmate....
“krankes wesen”
lyrics & vocals: Keno
music, production, guitars & programming: jm
Another collaboration with my friend and MC "extraordinaire" Keno - this time a far more progressive approach to the impressions and warps of a city.....
“after all - electrified remix”
music & lyrics: Gerd Baumann
Vocals: Moni Roscher
production, lead guitars & programming: jm
guitars, bass, melotron-flutes: Gerd Baumann
violins: Gregor Huebner
drums: Andi Haberl
A beautyful song by my friend Gerd, irresistable charming vocals by Moni - but for my taste way too acoustic - so I had to distort it...
my apologies to the one & only j.b. for even trying to steal his style! - I´m aware, there´s absolutely no valid excuse for this bad attempt, exept that I love him so much....